
LUZ is a collective of full spectrum care workers

In Spanish, to give birth is said as

dar a luz

which means to come to light or give light.


LUZ (pronounced “loos”) was born out of a shared passion to support people through life’s transitions, whether it be fertility, pregnancy, birth, abortion, loss, or postpartum. We are here to offer light, tenderness, compassionate care and community.


LUZ was created from the knowing that we are stronger together.

We believe that community holds us and heals us.

We are aware of how racism, patriachal cis-heterosexism, weight-based discrimination, abelism, classism, ageism, houselessness, prejuidce based on faith or religion, and so many other forms of oppression can impact the way someone moves through the world and especially the type of care they receive. 

We believe everyone should have culturally competent support that honors their autonomy and well-being. Our approach to this work is rooted in equity, inclusivity, and trauma informed care. We are forever learners and strive to continue our education and self-knowing to best support ourselves and our communities.

We are here to…

walk alongside you

illuminate choices

share knowledge

offer light

We serve communities on the stolen lands of the Multnomah, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Chinook, Tualatin Kalapuya, Molalla and many other tribes in the so called greater Portland metro area and the Columbia River Gorge.

Let’s connect